mercoledì 18 febbraio 2015

Jane Eyre
regia di CaryFukunaga

10th February
Cinema Tirreno


Both the novel and the movie show out some important features of the Victorian Age and the Puritan mind. In fact, there is a severe sense of duty within most of the characters. Moral inflexibility is a leading value in this society, as we can see, for example, with the corporal punishments in the boarding school and in St. John's intention to marry Jane, even if he does not truly love her. Therefore, in the middle of this historical setting, the so-called "Victorian compromise" is easily noticeable: a woman, if really conformed to its unfairness, was to become "without feelings".
However, Jane's deepest nature is strongly against those cultural surroundings. A clear reference to Romanticism is heavily present, not only in the characters of Jane and Mr. Rochester, who are "passionate", but also in the natural setting of Thornfield and in the wide landscapes that enclose it, that are the forest and the moors, depicted according to the romantic concept of "sublime".
"It agitates me to pain that the skyline over there is ever our limit" says Jane at a certain point; here lies that whole struggle between emotion and moral duty, which holds the most profound meaning of the story.

Francesco Gagliardi, Gian Luca Graziani, Giacomo Ronchetti (IV B sc.)

Let's change something

At the end of the film Jane Eyre went back to her real love,Rochester,and she found him blind,under a big, old tree. So they could live happily  togheter united by their love. 
We don't like this ending, so we have thought to change it and rewrite the story of Jane's life.
Here it is:

Jane discovered she had become really rich, so she decided to share her heredity with her new "brother and sisters", her cousins in reality, who had helped her after she ran away from Thornbridge.
St. John, the brother, proposed her to go to India as a  missionary.
It was a cold, sunny day, they were in a beatiful, green  scented garden.That place seemed perfect,everything was in quietness and harmony,there weren't any noises. Even if they weren't really in love,he knelt down in front of her...and there, after a moment, he asked her:"will you marry me?"
Jane was  astonished, she couldn't believe those words, but after a first moment  she answered:" yes,I will".That was one of the biggest mistakes of her life, because  they weren't really in love. They were both lying to themselves, because  they wanted to travel in India, and they needed to unite their money.
So they left and they decided to get marryed once they were in India. They discovered new places and felt new emotions, Jane saw her first city and knew a lot of new people, but altough her mind was full, her heart was empty.
She had everything, she had a big house, a factory, but one day St. John got angry and the worst part of his soul came out, and he began to beat Jane. He was emotionally unstable, so every time that they talked, the situation worsened.
The day before her marriage, she decided to change her plans, she understood that she needed love, true love, so for the second time she ran away and went back to Thornsfield.
But there was a new problem: in  the village one of Rochester's servants told her what had happened: her love, Rochester, had died in a big fire. Now she felt  lonely, again. But the servant told her that a part of her love was alive again: Edward's adoptive daughter, Adele, had survived.
So Jane decided to begin a new life with Adele, but now they were without money. Jane found a work as teacher in a orphanage, all the children loved her, she was really good, and now,finally happy.

Alice Antonelli, Elisa D'Addetta, Martina Ingenito (IV B Scientifico)

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