classe 3 U
Halloween - Viola Ragonese, Rossella Escobar, Marcos Baldanzi, Giulia Lo Bianco, Jacopo Ori
Halloween derives from "All Allows Day". The origins of that celebration goes back to the ancient Celts. In fact, their druids honored Samhain, the god of the death.
The Celts believed that the dead, led by Samhain, went out of their graves on the night of the 31st October. So the living were afraid of them, and they dressed in scary costumes to frighten the spirits.
After the Roman invasion, Halloween became a harvest festival. The colours of Halloween are in fact orange (that represents the harvest), and black (that represents the death).
"All Allows Day" was first important in Ireland and Scotland, and then it was brought to the USA by the Irish immigrants.
The legend of Jack O'Lantern
A man called Jack, who lived in Ireland and who was known for his drunkenness, one day went to a pub, where he met the Devil.
The Devil wanted his soul, but Jack asked him one more drink without having the money to pay. So the Devil became a coin, Jack trapped him into his pocket, and he let him free on the condition of having one more year of life.
One year later he trapped the Devil again and the Devil had to promise to let him ten more years of life.
When Jack died, he wasn't accepted in Heaven nor in Hell, because the Devil had recognised him.
However, the Devil gave him a piece of a coal that Jack put into a turnip to use it as a lantern.
On Halloween night, in the USA they couldn't celebrate with a turnip, because there were no turnips there. So people started using pumpkins as lanterns; that's why pumpkins are still symbols of this famous celebration.
Fun facts
- Legendary magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix on Halloween in 1926.
- Vampires think Halloween is tacky and don't bother going around that night.
- Halloween is second only to Christmas in spending. Consumers will spend over $2.5 Billion during Halloween. That's a whole lot of candy, costumes, decorations and party goods.
- People have believed for centuries that light keeps away ghosts and ghouls. Making a pumpkin lantern with a candle inside may keep you safe from all the spooky spirits flying around on Halloween.
classe 3 BL
classe 3 BL
- sauce of vomit
Avocado, lemon juice, red pepper (sliced), tomato cubes, cheese.
Main courses:
- larvas drowned in slime attached by ants
400 grams spaghetti, four fennels, garlic, oil, salt, pepper, poppy seeds, chive.
- wings of bat and marshy sauce
20 chicken wings, soy sauce, paprika, salt pepper, aromatic herbs, garlic.
For the sauce: fresh cheese, pepper, garlic, asparaguses.
- ocular bulbs
12 eggs, 12 olives,and red food coloring.
- skewers of snake bowels
Grapes, dates, pineapple.
classe 3 BL
How to make your halloween pumpkin:
For creating the best Halloween atmosphere you must show your shiny pumpkin!
Here you’ll learn how to carve the famous “Jack O’Lantern”; it’s not difficult, you need only this things:
- a spoon or an ice-cream scoop;
- a knife with long and sharp blade;
- some newspapers;
- a pumpkin (obviously).
With your knife, cut away the top of the pumpkin.
The hole must be big enough to crave the inner part by hand, whit the spoon. The cut must be pentagonal or hexagonal (not circular), so it will be easier.
Clean the cap of the pumpkin, so you’ll be able to use it as a blug. Then, with the spoon scrape the inner walls of the pumpkin for cleaning from the filaments.
Search the better part of the pumpkin for carving the face. Now use carefully the knife for scratching the single parts of the face (if you want, you can sign the face with a pencil before the scratching).
When you have finished to cut, peel back the leavings.
Check if the bottom is fit to put a candle on it.
Now you’re ready to light you Jack O’Lantern for the Halloween night!
classe 3 BL
The colours of halloween
Black, green, orange and red
Four are the colours that on Halloween I wear
Red, orange, greeen and black
These are the colours of the mistery.
Orange is the decourated pumpkin for the party
That menacing looks out the window.
Orange is the sweet of the tradition
I’ll devour it all in one bite.
Green is the bad monsters’ colour
They roam the streets mingling with the alives.
Green is the colour of the soup
That the whitch compouds in the big pot.
Black is the vampire’s mantle
He wraps an himself when he goes out.
Black are the cat, the spider and the crow
That they’re whooping at me with scowl.
Red fire is the small devil
Horns, tail and tuft
I prefer go to bed
To being in his sight!
Red, orange, green and black
These are the colours of the mistery.
Black, green, orange and red
Four are the colours that on Halloween I wear.
Nero, verde,
arancione e rosso Black, green, orange and red
Quattro i colori
che ad Halloween indosso.
Rosso, arancione,
verde e nero
Questi i colori del
Arancione è la
zucca addobbata a festa
Che minacciosa
guarda dalla finestra.
Arancione è il
dolce della tradizione
Lo divoro tutto in
un solo boccone.
Verde è il colore
dei mostri cattivi
Si aggirano per
strada mischiandosi ai vivi.
il colore del minestrone
Che la strega
rimescola nel pentolone.
Nero è il mantello
del vampiro
Vi si avvolge tutto
quando va in giro.
Neri il gatto, il
ragno ed il corvo
Che mi osservano
insieme con sguardo torvo.
Rosso fuoco è il
Corna, coda e
Preferisco andare a
Che trovarmi al suo
Rosso, arancione,
verde e nero
Questi i colori del
Nero, verde,
arancione e rosso
Quattro i colori
che ad Halloween indosso.
Lavoro svolto da: Gaia Simoncini, Ilaria Falaschi, Agnese Menichetti, Eva Orsini, Eleonora Callaioli e Greta Masoni, classe III° BL a.s. 2014/2015.