giovedì 19 dicembre 2013

Different Lifestyles

Where will  the next star of the USA polities or the new Gordon Gekko, paladin of Wall Street's brokers come from? Certainly from Syracuse University in Florence, where rich American families send their offspring to improve their culture. It's clear: Syracuse University is very elitist and each student has to pay from 45.000 to 55.000 dollars every year to graduate, accomodation and meals not included. Nevertheless the meeeting to Syracuse University was very constructive to compare different or entirely opposed lifestyles. After some questions to get confidence, beliefs and clichés on the "Bel Paese" came out: mafia, pizza, spaghetti everywhere and the picture of the "typical" Italian man, tanned, hairy with slicked hair, looking like James Gandolfini in "The Sopranos"... So after joking together we said goodbye  in Anglo-Italian with the promise to meet  again and to visit the country where dreams come true. After all the experience was very interesting and formative because we have discovered the difficulty to learn another language in only six months. 

By Giulio Rustichelli and Dario Filippi  
III Liceo Classico
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